What Is The Best Way To Cut An Asphalt Driveway

What Is The Best Way To Cut An Asphalt Driveway

Do you know what’s required to cut an asphalt driveway? Knowing the best way to cut an asphalt driveway makes things a whole lot easier. Please read below to learn more.
An asphalt driveway is relatively easy to maintain and keep in good condition. 
By simply filling in surface cracks regularly and applying a seal coating every 2 to 3 years, you can prevent deterioration to the point where the asphalt will have to removed and replaced. 
The most common causes of cracks are tree roots, earth movement, adverse weather conditions, and heavy traffic.  
While it is important to know the best techniques for cutting through asphalt, it is just as important to properly maintain the remaining asphalt to prevent further damage and decay, which ultimately results in the need for replacement.

When is Asphalt Cutting Necessary?

Asphalt cutting is always necessary when replacing an asphalt surface. It is also necessary for cutting away decayed, damaged, or deteriorating sections of asphalt during repairs or when filling in potholes. 
When cutting concrete, an appropriate pavement cutting tool with the right blade attachment should be used. When doing a repair job you will need the right materials and equipment to fill cracks or potholes.

The Best Equipment to Cut an Asphalt Driveway

When undertaking a driveway project that requires asphalt excavation, it is important to understand the different methods and equipment needed and the exact steps to follow.  
One of the most important things to consider is the use of the right equipment. The best equipment is an asphalt cutting tool with a unique blade designed specifically for cutting asphalt as opposed to concrete or other material. 
A diamond blade with a hard bond is best as asphalt is softer than other paving materials. These blades come in wet or dry varieties. Dry blades have a softer bond while wet blades need water to cool and lubricate them while cutting.

3 Basic Steps to Asphalt Cutting

When cutting asphalt it is important to understand the three basic steps involved – sweeping, marking, and cutting.

  • Repairing Damaged or Decayed Sections

Step 1 – Sweeping
Sweeping the area will remove all debris and clear the working surface so that the equipment will not be damaged by catching on rocks, pebbles and other objects. 
It is also a safety precaution as the blade may pick up objects and toss them through the air, causing possible injury and damage to property.
Step 2 – Demarcate the Cutting Area
When cutting out a damaged section of asphalt, it is best to make the cut where the asphalt is still in good condition. This means widening the cutting zone to where you will have good, solid edges. 
Square edges instead of a round patch will provide a better and longer-lasting repair. Once you have selected the best place to cut, mark the lines with chalk. 
Using a hammer and an old screwdriver, dent the chalk line to provide the blade with a path to cut into.
Step 3 – Making the Cut
One of the most important things to know when cutting asphalt is never to turn the saw while the tool is running as it will break the blade. 
Check the thickness of the asphalt surface by digging at the inside edge of the area. Set the blade to the depth of the thickness and make the first cut on a straight line. 
Stop at the end of the line, switch off the machine, and lift the blade before proceeding to the next straight cut. Once all four sides of the square have been cut, you can remove the damaged section and commence with patching. 

  • Fixing Cracks

Unrepaired cracks caused by issues with a poor foundation, earth movement, tree roots, heavy traffic, and harsh weather conditions are the leading cause of asphalt repairs and replacement. 
Smaller cracks can be repaired with the right products to prevent them from spreading. 
First, clean out all debris and vegetation from the cracks before pouring a filler directly into the fissures.

  • Repairing Potholes

Proper pothole repairing tools will make the job of repairing potholes fairly simple. Following the three steps above, sweep, mark and cut the area to be filled in. 
Remove all traces of excess asphalt and dry-blot the area if it is wet. Fill the pothole with asphalt, starting at the edges first. 
Level the area by spreading out the mix with an aluminium paving rake. Avoid over raking the asphalt mix as it could cause coarser material to rise to the surface.

  • Seal Coating

Applying seal coating to an asphalt driveway every 2 – 3 years will minimise decay and damage resulting in the need for blacktop excavation and replacement. 
With proper care and maintenance, your asphalt driveway should last for many years without the need for replacement. 
If cracks or potholes appear they should be filled immediately by using the right tools and products to prevent them from getting out of hand.

If you are looking for a concrete cutting company that is trustworthy and reliable, then don’t go past VIC Sawing and Drilling. Call us today on (03) 8786 3621 or contact us through https://www.vicsawing.com.au/contact/